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Kiss the Girl: Princess Ariel Cosplay

Ariel “Blue Dress”The Little MermaidMarch 2014I have to admit that some part of me has always wanted to be a Disney princess, in fact I have wanted to be several Disney princess. For this cosplay I made my favorite of the Ariel dresses, because seriously who puts a red head…

A Modern Assassin’s Creed

Modern Assassin (Own Design)Assassin’s CreedJune 2013What would make you think I like the Assassin’s Creed franchise? I have no idea where you could have gotten that idea from, except maybe that I have made more than one Assassin’s Creed cosplay… Anyway, here is photographic evidence of my modern day assassin (you…

“Hey Listen!” Navi: Ocarina of Time

NaviOcarina of TimeMarch 2011 I finally finished Ocarina of Time, adding to the list of video games that have taken me a really long time and several consoles/computers to finish – the water temple is HARD! To celebrate here is my, somewhat old, Navi cosplay. Photographers: Eric Thomas and  Jansen Hillis…

Black Widow Cosplay

Black WidowAvengersMarch 2013 So after much musing and analyzing I did actually finish my Black Widow cosplay for Emerald City Comicon.Photographer: Eric Thomas and Camerarchitect on FlickrFor more information on making your own Black Widow cosplay check out my other posts:Suit AnalysisAccessories AnalysisSuit how-toAccessories how-toCheck out more images on Flickr.

The Guild Cosplay: Codex

CodexThe GuildOctober 2010  One of my early forays into Cosplay, and honestly I decided to make this costume because of the hair. Halloween the year before I had ordered a red wig to be Jessica Rabbit and of course it arrived a week after my last party. I had resolved…

My Little Pony Cosplay: A day in Canterlot

Twilight SparkleMy Little Pony: Friendship is MagicOctober 2012Twilight Sparkle, Shutterfly, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie all wandered around Canterlot (Applejack was busy selling pies and Rarity was chatting it up with some famous pony). Twilight Sparkle: RandomTuesdayPinkie Pie: Bonnie Fluttershy: Hosanna Rainbow Dash: Jaki DashPhotographer: Andy ChowYou can check out more pictures…