Only a few years late, but I finally got around to playing Horizon Zero Dawn, it’s such an incredible game! The story unfolds in such…
I know that my base line of what is “easy” when it comes to cosplay is a little skewed and I have a habit of…
SisyphusHades GameSeptember 2019 I’m a very big fan of Supergiant Games, their games are by far some of my favorite and I have cosplayed from both Pyre and Transistor in the past. So, when they announced their new game Hades I really wanted to make a cosplay for PAX, but given…
Most of the time when I make a cosplay I start with a design and then start selecting materials, but when I found the Yaya…
MermaidOwn DesignJuly 2019Most of the time I decide on a cosplay and then acquire materials, but every so often I am just inspired by a fabric. I picked up a few yards of a gorgeous scale fabric from the Yaya Han collection, and decided that I naturally needed to create…
Jewel on the Far CoastDungeons and Dragons (Own Design)May 2019 Jewel was so interesting to put together, I hadn’t designed a costume in a while. With Jewel I wanted to create a costume that was true to the character, while also being something I could realistically put on my human body,…
I was asked many times when I was going to make a cosplay for my Tabaxi Rouge, Jewel on the Far Coast from the Roll20…
SpidergwenInto the SpiderverseMarch 2019I loved Into the Spiderverse, it was an amazing movie, in design, in story telling, just all around. So I pretty quickly was tempted into cosplaying Spidergwen, and also getting her hair cut. I made this cosplay for Emerald City Comicon 2019. Spidergwen Cosplay Pattern$11.00 Buy Now…
Sakura – PJsCardcaptor SakuraJune 2019When I initially decided to do a Cardcaptor Sakura cosplay I let my patrons over on Patreon vote on which outfit I would be making. The winning cosplay was the Shadow Card Capture outfit, but I had secretly been hoping that her PJ outfit would be the winner…
After seeing Into the Spiderverse I knew I was going to have to cosplay Spidergwen! I’ve always really enjoyed the design of her suit, and…
The sealing staff is an integral part to any Sakura Cosplay. If you are looking to make your own staff there are a lot of…
Cardcaptor Sakura has been a cosplay I’ve intended to do for a long time, but given the number of different outfits she wears over the…
Sakura – Shadow Card CaptureCardcaptor SakuraApril 2019Cardcaptor Sakura was one of the earliest anime I ever watched, and it was certainly my first introduction to the magical girl genre. I’ve wanted to make one of her costumes for a long time, and finally with the help of the internet settled…
Making Captains Shakespeare was relatively simple, the majority of the elements were purchased, with only a few needing fabrication. If you are looking for information…
Back when I started streaming on Twitch, I decided in a wandering conversation with chat that my community was in fact a Legion of Airship pirates, which made sense at the time. Of course we were modeled after the best airship pirates, Captain Shakespeare’s crew from the movie Stardust. As…