I managed to get talked into making a Sailor Mercury cosplay with a group of friends, I’m not complaining it was totally on my list…
Modern Assassin (Own Design)Assassin’s CreedJune 2013What would make you think I like the Assassin’s Creed franchise? I have no idea where you could have gotten that idea from, except maybe that I have made more than one Assassin’s Creed cosplay… Anyway, here is photographic evidence of my modern day assassin (you…
At long last, here is my tutorial on how I made my very own unique Assassin’s Creed vambrace! Materials Foam core board PVA glue/modge podge…
I did a panel at Emerald City Comicon 2014, it was really cool and very exciting and I wanted to share it with all of…
MeridaBraveJune 2012 If you could change your fate, would you? Here is a trip down memory lane. I made this princess Merida cosplay (and had it photographed) couple of years back. I actually made it to wear to the midnight showing of Brave (because I have a serious weakness for…
NaviOcarina of TimeMarch 2011 I finally finished Ocarina of Time, adding to the list of video games that have taken me a really long time and several consoles/computers to finish – the water temple is HARD! To celebrate here is my, somewhat old, Navi cosplay. Photographers: Eric Thomas and Jansen Hillis…
As I discussed in my analysis post there are quite a few accessories to Black Widow. So here is how I made and acquired them:…
I haven’t drafted anything with quite so many seams in odd places as the Black Widow suit, as you saw in my earlier analysis post…
Black WidowAvengersMarch 2013 So after much musing and analyzing I did actually finish my Black Widow cosplay for Emerald City Comicon.Photographer: Eric Thomas and Camerarchitect on FlickrFor more information on making your own Black Widow cosplay check out my other posts:Suit AnalysisAccessories AnalysisSuit how-toAccessories how-toCheck out more images on Flickr.
Victorian Assassin (Own Design)Assassin’s CreedAugust 2012I often consider Assassin’s Creed to be my gateway game. I’d played a few games before that, but it was the first one where after playing it I wanted more, to the extent that I blitzed through three of the games in as many weekends…
I’ve been in front of a camera a few times, but none of these experiences fully prepared me for being the one in charge at…
You have the hair and makeup, ears, wings or horns or not, and now you need the final touch the clothes and the cutie marks!…
It was easier to explain how to make ears for a My Little Pony cosplay visually. This is my first attempt at a video tutorial,…
Here is a quick and easy tutorial for making your own pony wings. I have to thank my friend @margareet for coming up with the…
Head over to my portfolio to see all the pictures from the My Little Pony Shoot! And if you want to make your own pony…