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Sisyphus and the Boulder

SisyphusHades GameSeptember 2019 I’m a very big fan of Supergiant Games, their games are by far some of my favorite and I have cosplayed from both Pyre and Transistor in the past. So, when they announced their new game Hades I really wanted to make a cosplay for PAX, but given…

Thwip: Spidergwen Cosplay

SpidergwenInto the SpiderverseMarch 2019I loved Into the Spiderverse, it was an amazing movie, in design, in story telling, just all around. So I pretty quickly was tempted into cosplaying Spidergwen, and also getting her hair cut. I made this cosplay for Emerald City Comicon 2019. Spidergwen Cosplay Pattern$11.00 Buy Now…

Cardcaptor Sakura PJs

Sakura – PJsCardcaptor SakuraJune 2019When I initially decided to do a Cardcaptor Sakura cosplay I let my patrons over on Patreon vote on which outfit I would be making. The winning cosplay was the Shadow Card Capture outfit, but I had secretly been hoping that her PJ outfit would be the winner…

Release: Cardcaptor Sakura Cosplay

Sakura – Shadow Card CaptureCardcaptor SakuraApril 2019Cardcaptor Sakura was one of the earliest anime I ever watched, and it was certainly my first introduction to the magical girl genre. I’ve wanted to make one of her costumes for a long time, and finally with the help of the internet settled…