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I Feel Wicked : Elphaba Cosplay

ElphabaWickedMarch 2023Wicked remains one my my favorite musicals, I love the songs (it’s not super common to get leading lady numbers in the mezzo soprano range so I might be biased…), and the visuals design is superb, the costumes in particular never fail to amaze me.Elphaba’s dress from act 2,…

Blood and Darkness: Megaera & Zagreus

Megaera & ZagreusHadesJuly 2022Megaera was a challenging cosplay, it sort of ended up being it’s own rouge-lite cosplay. I ended up starting multiple parts over again, the leggings, the arm socks, the wig, and the collar all needed several attempts before I got them how I wanted. But despite all…

Anyhoot: Blathers Cosplay

BlathersAnimal Crossing New HorizonsApril 2020Blathers was a bit of an impromptu cosplay, I fell in love with the character after picking up Animal crossing – who doesn’t love a sweet Owl full of puns!? Blathers Cosplay Pattern$6.00 Buy Now Putting this cosplay together was a fun challenge in creating a…

Magic & Witchcraft: Hecate Cosplay

HecateLore OlympusAugust 2020Goddess of magic, witchcraft, necromancy, sorcery and a few other things Hecate is certainly one of the coolest Greek Gods, and she is also one of my favorite characters in the Webtoon, Lore Olympus (seriously read it if you have not)! Hecate Cosplay Pattern$8.00 Buy Now This cosplay was a…

Duty Bound Gorgon: Dusa Cosplay

DusaHades GameMay 2020I might be a little into Hades, the new game from Supergiant Games, check it out if you haven’t yet.Dusa is such a cute character, I love her characterization and story arc that I have played so far. When I realized I had a gorgon wig lying around…

Cyberpunk in Seattle

CyberpunkShadowrun/ Own DesignSeptember 2019You know when you’re going to be in a Shadowrun RPG show on Twitch, and you decide that you need to make a really cool looking jacket for said show. Then of course you decide you should probably do a whole outfit, and convince your partner to…