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Sisyphus and the Boulder

Hades Game
September 2019 

I’m a very big fan of Supergiant Games, their games are by far some of my favorite and I have cosplayed from both Pyre and Transistor in the past. So, when they announced their new game Hades I really wanted to make a cosplay for PAX, but given I was already making Aloy I didn’t have time to make the tsundere queen Megaera, so I went with something simpler.

At the time of making this cosplay, the game Hades was in early access and as such a lot of the characters have place holder art, including Sisyphus. So this cosplay seemed like an excellent super simple option. The sign is made by Steph which is what really makes the whole costume perfect.

Photos by StephMHC (Twitter | Instagram)
Edits by me.

This cosplay would not have been possible without the amazing support of my Patrons.

Posted in Cosplay, Finished Cosplays