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Blood and Darkness: Megaera & Zagreus

Megaera & Zagreus
July 2022

Megaera was a challenging cosplay, it sort of ended up being it’s own rouge-lite cosplay. I ended up starting multiple parts over again, the leggings, the arm socks, the wig, and the collar all needed several attempts before I got them how I wanted. But despite all the struggle I am so pleased with how it all came out.

Though, the huge plus side, once I started working on Zagreus is was like I’d already leveled up, so the second cosplay went much smoother. Though I did have an oddly skewed perception of how long it should take me, failing to realize it was an entire second build…

Photo by Tony Beeman and edits by me.

Megaera Cosplay Pattern

Zagreus Cosplay Pattern

These cosplays would not have been possible without my amazing supporters on Patreon.

Posted in Cosplay, Finished Cosplays