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Black Widow Cosplay – Accessories Design Analysis

Accessories are important, but they can also be very expensive or technically difficult to get completely accurate replicas. This is in part because sewing is more of my strong point than modeling and more plasticy arts. As a result I tend to use a healthy dose of artistic license when it comes to accessories, I try hard to make them as accurate as possible, but I am somewhat limited in terms of time and money. I’ll go over the options I’m considering which will certainly vary in accuracy.

Widow’s Bites


These are probably the most complicated accessories for the costume. Less accurate versions can certainly be made out of various tubular shaped things, like dowels or PVC piping, even this bullet bandolier painted black would work alright. But while I may prefer comfortable shoes I do like a crafting challenge. I am considering two possible construction methods:

1) Model and print in 3D. I am not 100% certain how much this would cost, but the main prohibiting factor is I haven’t used modeling software in about 6 years, and I was really bad at it when I did. So there will be a pretty steep learning curve in terms of creating a model that can actually be printed.

2) Casting. I would need to make a master copy then create a silicone mould and cast it with polyurethane. I also don’t know how to cast, but for some reason it seems easier than learning how to model things in 3D. Cost wise suspect it will be about the same as printing, the silicone and polyurethane runs around $30 each for a quart.

Either way there will be a lovely tutorial for you when I finally get to it.


Black Widow wears knee high black wedges with some snazzy detailing. I found a few decent candidates on Zappos, or there is always the option of making some sort of boot cover to get that asymmetrical look.

But I’ll be honest I tend to cheat when it comes to shoes so I will likely be going with these merrell boots, for the primary reason that I already own them (I may need to get mine polished)… Not particularly accurate but I think they won’t stand out so much that they will seem out of place.

Merrel boots

Plus the comfort factor, I am not so good when it comes to heels. You know that scene from bambi where he is trying to walk on the ice and spends most of the time sliding around and falling over, yeah – that is me in heels. Okay, maybe I am not that bad, but nonetheless I will be wearing this cosplay for a whole day at a con and I have never been able to find heels that don’t torture my feet.


Hair is an accessory, right? Conveniently I already have the right hair for the Avengers movie version, which may have influenced my decision to cosplay it. I am sadly, not a natural redhead – I dye my hair with henna.

I am a big fan of henna, it is super messy to put on and take several hours, but I find the color does not fade and it doesn’t leave my hair dry or damaged. If you have light hair (blonde or light brown) henna will dye your hair red, otherwise it will add a very nice red sheen that you can see when the light reflects off it. As a warning it can be hard to dye over henna, so do not do it if you are looking for something temporary!

If you want to try it you can by your henna from Mehandi, they have a great selection and instructions.


I know very little about guns, all I can tell you about Black Widow’s is they are black and she shoots stuff with them. I’ll be acquiring some cheap prop guns – maybe something like this pistol. Also they will be peace bonded so they are con safe.



I found this thread that gave some good suggestions on what was may have actually been used for the buckles and gun holding part (yeah I am not a gun person). In the interest of cost I plan on constructing my own holster, probably a mixture of vinyl and some less expensive buckles with wonderflex for the plastic portions.

Belt with Symbol

The belt will be made out of the same material as the suit, I will probably use a hook and eye to fix it in place with some velcro for added security. The Symbol I plan on having 3D printed, there is already a great .slt file on Thingverse, then it will just need to be painted (If I can’t get it printed in the right colors) acrylic should work fine.


Black leather (or leather look) fingerless gloves. I found some not too expensive potential candidates in various prices.

Posted in Cosplay, How To