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I Feel Wicked : Elphaba Cosplay

March 2023

Wicked remains one my my favorite musicals, I love the songs (it’s not super common to get leading lady numbers in the mezzo soprano range so I might be biased…), and the visuals design is superb, the costumes in particular never fail to amaze me.

Elphaba’s dress from act 2, was similar to the Ever After breath gown, one of those outfits I’ve always admired and has been on my “someday I will be brave enough to make this” list. I really wanted another challenging sewing build, and this dress really fit the bill. The process was a wonderful mix of artist challenges to create the “ordered chaos” of the design alongside the technical challenges to sew a well fitted garment. 

Photos by Steph MHC, and edits by me.

Posted in Cosplay, Finished Cosplays