There are a number of important accessories that make up this costume, which this post will be going over. For information on other parts of…
Once the skirt and bodice are assembled it’s time to start on the sleeves, which are in essence elaborate tubes of trim. There is no…
With the dress assembled it was time for the finishing touches. I use that phrase loosely because this finishing took way longer than the initial…
As a child I remember dressing up in many attempts to wear this dress, White skirts and shirts with lots of glitter, or a vaguely…
A dress is only as good as its support, or something like that… In this case the Breathe dress needs a non decorative under corset…
Ever After continues to be one of my favorite movies, self-rescuing princess, true love and historical costumes: what’s not to enjoy? Since a very young…
Aly of Pirate’s SwoopTrickster’s Choice SeriesOctober 2017I hesitate to really call this a ‘cosplay’ it was more a matter of throwing together some pieces I already had and most importantly having blue hair. While not my favorite Tamora Pierce character, I always enjoyed Aly’s spunk and generally sassyness. So enjoy…
I am incredibly proud of this costume, I realized a character I have loved since I first picked up the Song of the Lioness Quartet.…
Alanna the LionessSong of the Lioness QuartetOctober 2017Creating my Alanna the Lioness cosplay was a work of love and passion. As a young adult I read the Song of the Lioness quartet and was enthralled. On the page was described a feisty, angry and passionate person, a woman to fought…
Making two cosplays at a time seemed like a great idea before I started… Thankfully Bae was on the simpler end of cosplay construction, so…
Bae the Bloodless & The ReaderPyreSeptember 2017I. Love. Supergiant Games. Games. Truly I wholeheartedly recommend playing their games, Transistor, Pyre and Bastion are all delightful, and though they share artistic elements, they remain distinct games with unique worlds, settings and characters. I love the design of their games and have…
I misjudged this cosplay, some part of me looked at it and thought, “Sure that’s mostly fabric.” I was in fact pretty wrong. Sure, there…
I needed to make the Vah Naboris Pattern for my Lady Urbosa cosplay, so naturally I decided to try my hand at making the others. …
Lady UrbosaLegend of Zelda: Breath of the WildSeptember 2017I played The Legend of Zelda: Breath if the Wild this summer, and I loved it. It was my first Zelda game that I really got into and didn’t want to put down. Urbosa Cosplay Pattern$11.00 Buy Now I had a hard…
My major summer cosplay project was Evie Frye from Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. I played the game with my roommate and thoroughly enjoyed the costume, story…